Women’s Winter Retreat 2024


This world is your body. This world is a great school. This world is your silent teacher.
– Swami Sivananda

Connect – Reflect.
10 women + a grateful yoga teacher will share some wonderful days together. Every morning we meet for meditation and yoga guided by Karen. Meals are prepared in small groups based on a cookbook you take home. Mornings are spent hiking, winter swimming and socializing. In the afternoons and evenings, you can rest, relax, socialize and cook. There will be 1.5 hours of yin yoga before dinner. The days are rounded off by the fireplace.
My wish with this retreat is to uplift the female energy, community and togetherness. Taking better care of you/us, resting more in you and getting to know yourself better.

Once you have signed up and paid, you will receive an information letter with extra information and instructions about my and your responsibilities on the retreat. I reserve the right to any recommended and written guidelines for a yoga retreat during the time we are together.

If you wish to pay for this item in installments, please do so via Mobile Pay – 99908 ForeverKaren
1st installment – DKK 1999,-
2nd installment – no later than October 1, 2023 DKK 2000,-

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Kvinde Vinter Retreat d. 11. - 14. januar 2024
Adresse: Mollerupvej 58, 7620 Lemvig
Ankomst torsdag, 11. januar kl. 13.00
Afrejse søndag, 14. januar kl. 13.00

Tid til dig. Tid til egenkærlighed. Tid til fordybelse og refleksion igennem yoga og meditation. Jeg tilbyder forskellige rereats både i Danmark og i udlandet. Læs mere om mig og retreats her...

På et yoga retreat med mig sørger jeg for at yoga niveauet tilpasses alle. Yogaundervisning tager udgangspunkt i årstiden, tid på dagen og, DIG. Med over 30 års erfaring i at afholde events, kurser og uddannelser, formidle og forvandle, glæder jeg mig til at dele det som står mit hjerte nær med dig.